Thursday, January 11, 2007

Clear Water Contractors

In 2001 Mike Goodson (of the NC Division of Land Resources) and I sat over a piece of pie in Hazelwood, NC and discussed the issues surrounding sediment and erosion control. On the back of a placemat, we began to outline the creation of a training program that has to date trained over 1,000 contractors working in western North Carolina.

The issues as we saw them were that contractors were not fully aware of the laws pertaining to sediment and erosion control; they were not installing technologies as they were intended; and there was disconnect between the design professional (like an engineer) and the contractor installing that designed measure. Furthermore, the landowner who was hiring the contractor is the person calling the shots - such as what corners would be cut to save money - but unaware that the fines for violating the law could be as high as $5,000 per day per violation.

The result is that we now have over 1,000 contractors working in western North Carolina who have sat through an eight-hour training program with instructors from state and federal agencies managing land disturbing activities. They know the law. They have knowledge of how to install the measures. And, they know who to call within the agencies to seek advice.

To help improve our streams, and preserve land, hire a trained contractor - one who knows the laws.

To the left are photos of some of the contractors that have taken this course. In order from top to bottom:
Macon County - 2001
Avery County - 2002
Cherokee County - 2002
Haywood County - 2003

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